Friday, September 30, 2022

My nature and God post

 I've come to realize if it's meant to be, it will be.  God gets the final word in most things and His timing can't be rushed.

I didn't plant pumpkin seeds this year.  But the biggest and most beautiful pumpkin vine took off ON ITS OWN along our goat fence this fall.  

The way the small vines twist and spiral, almost desperate for something safe to grasp onto is often how life can feel.   

Yet hidden in the shadows of the leaves and the vines is where we find the fruit of the plant.  
You have to really look for them, because they almost seem hidden.

And although it's probably too late in the season, God decided to let a tomato plant grow in the goat yard this fall as well.  

My pink rose bushes always seem to do amazing during the summer and fall.  

My yellow roses have been on the struggle bus, and I almost cut the plant off this summer when it seemed dried out.
But within the past week or 2, these beauties have taken off. 

Just another example of trusting in Gods perfect timing.  

And being grateful for things big and small.

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