Friday, November 16, 2012

Engineer Print

Since taking down Molly's crib, there's been a big empty space on the wall.  We have holes in our walls, a half-painted staircase, weird dips in our floors and just this morning I scraped a dried piece of brown rice off the baseboard in the dining room (at least that's what I'm telling myself it was), yet the big empty space on Molly's wall was what bothered me. 

Do you remember that photo of the girls from Squirrel Hunt Weekend?  You know, the cute one? 

Well guess what?  I printed the photo at Walgreen's, then I drove over to Office Max.  I talked to Bart- he's the guy who works behind the copy counter.  He and I are on a first name basis; more on that in another post.  I told Bart I needed a 24-by-36-inch Engineer Print. 
The empty space is officially filled. I asked Molly to sit in her reading nook so I could get her in the shot- she said she couldn't though.  She was too busy.  By the way, the Office Max 24-by-36-inch engineer print cost me all of $4.79.  I already had the frame stashed in a closet.  The engineer print does come out a bit dark; I can live with that though.  Apparently dark prints and rice-stuck-on-baseboards are within my comfort zone.  Go figure.

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