Sunday, November 11, 2012

Feeling Blue

Molly loves to sneak in my purse- usually for gum. On Saturday she was after my phone.  From the looks of it, I'm guessing she had a pretty important story share over the phone. 

I did mention this all happened on Saturday... temps in the 70's, hence the lack of clothing. 

I could imagine why you might think she looked a little chilly- almost a little bluish.

She wasn't cold at all.  She got her hands on a Halloween stamper and decided to use it like lipstick, blush, wall decor, body paint, soap...  This all happened before a Fareway adventure.  We like to keep people guessing about us there.  A couple folks made comments- most just stared before quickly glancing away. 

I think it cracked Molly up.  Anything for a laugh.

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