Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Baby Doll

I needed to make a quick trip to ShopKo.  I was searching for a Baby Doll and returning a Barbie Doll.  While waiting in the return line, I noticed a flustered teenage cashier who was struggling to subtract .29 cents from $21.  She had to do the math in her head while a line of customers and her boss watched intently.  She couldn’t do it.

I was instantly 16 years old working at Super Valu and on the spot to make change.  It’s a lot like I imagine being on a game show would be.  It’s easy when you’re watching someone else, but when the pressures on, it can be so hard.  My heart went out to her.


As I made my way to the toy aisle, I spotted a woman from church with her 12 year old daughter.
They were looking at training bras.  The girl looked embarrassed, yet excited at the same time.

I was instantly 13 years old, standing in Walmart with my mom and sister and asking if I was going to get to buy a bra that day.  Lord knows I didn’t need one, but the idea of getting a bra was almost as exciting as getting to wear nylons and eyeliner.  I knew deep down it wouldn’t be long before Maisie and I would be standing there, looking at the training bras. 


I continued walking toward the toys, smiled at the memory and secretly thanked my lucky stars I was only there to pick out a baby doll. 
Life is good. 

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