Thursday, December 13, 2012

Easy Bake Oven

Maisie realized she didn’t get to play Easy Bake Oven on the last day of daycare as planned.  They were so busy having a farewell party they ran out of time.  When she realized it, she was crushed. 
Mike being a fixer promised Maisie he’d buy her an Easy Bake Oven.  Really?  Right before Christmas?  However, Maisie’s love language has never been gifts and she rarely asks for “stuff”.  She is happiest with a ‘nuggle’ and praise.  We agreed, that just this once it would be ok to get her an Easy Bake Oven only 2 weeks before Christmas.  As Mike says, “it’s the holidays.”
Saturday morning, with a headache the size of Honduras, I was elected Easy Bake Oven supervisor.  Our first recipe was red velvet cupcakes.  I’ve never owned or played with an Easy Bake Oven, so this was new to all of us.  The cupcakes came out the size of something you would feed a Barbie doll (if Barbie dolls could eat).  I did a little research and found a gazillion homemade Easy Bake Oven mixes you can make at home, which is more my style.


Sunday afternoon Maisie and I were psyched to start making the Pretty Pink Cake mix; from scratch I might add.  I let Maisie add the food color and it came out more burgundy than pink, but that’s only because I accidently grabbed the box of “fall” food colors instead of the standard set.  Details.


The recipe made a double-layer cake.  Don’t get excited, each layer was no bigger than an Old Maid playing card and nearly as thin.
Since we had cake, we decided to call it a party.  We had candles, chocolate milk in wine glasses and some magic wish paper (another story).  We decided to make a ‘toast’ wishing our new daycare would be one of the bests. 

Monday was their first day and all I can say is, so far, so good.  Molly is having the hardest time, but I’m hopeful that time will help.  Last night I explained to Ross and Maisie how life is always changing and being able to adapt and adjust to change is a skill they will need for the rest of their lives.  I’m still working on that one myself.


And with that, the 3-week daycare saga comes to a close.  7 years down, 3 to go. 



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