Monday, January 28, 2013

Hair, Hair, Everywhere

Conversation with Ross


Ross: Mom, why do grown-up’s have hair on their balls and she-shes?

Me: I don’t know, I suppose it’s a protective mechanism from prehistoric-cavemen days.

Ross: Like, for germs?

Me: Yeah, just like how eyebrows and eyelashes protect your eye’s, any opening to your body has some way to protect it from germs.

Ross: Why do armpits grow hair then?

Me: Good question, that is really weird.

Ross: I bet I know why.  When someone is lifting weights and a germ falls into their armpit, as soon as that person lowers that arm, then lifts it again, the hair shoots the germ right back out. 

Me: Possible, I suppose.

Ross: But I still don’t get why people get hair on their chests?

Me: Well, our genetic make-up is very similar to apes and gorillas, of all the animals we are the most similar to them.  Maybe that’s why.

Ross: What? I always thought we were closest to dolphins?!

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