Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sunday Night

Sunday night, once everyone had gone to bed, I heard plotting.  Sure enough, Ross had convinced Maisie to sneak out of her room and into his bed.  They planned a slumber party.  Mike and I told them ‘not on a school night’, to which they obliged… until the lights went out.  Mike and I pretended we didn’t hear them.  Choose your battles, right?


Fast forward to 11:00 p.m.  Molly wakes crying in her bed.  I cover her up and shove a ‘nigh-nigh’ blanket in her face.  She’s good.


Fast forward to 12:30 a.m.  Molly’s crying in her bed.  I tell Mike, “your turn”.  He rolls out of bed and does whatever he does to get her to stop.  She’s good.


Fast forward to 2:00 a.m.  Ross walks into my room saying he can’t find Maisie.  She’s not in his bed or her own bed.  I help him look. We turn on lights and she is nowhere to be found.  Feeling a little panicked, I climb up to Ross’ bed to feel around; nothing.  I wake Mike to tell him about the vanishing when I hear Ross announce that he found her.  She had squirmed herself to end of his bed and was buried under a sea of blankets and a herd of stuffed animals.  Luckily for us, she slept through the entire search and rescue mission.


Fast forward to 4:00 a.m.  I wake up to the sound of barfing and splashing. I walk into Ross’ room to see him barfing over the side of his bed.  Keep in mind his loft-bed sits 6 feet off the ground and he just lets it fly like he’s yacking off the side of a boat into an ocean.  As I look at the carpet, he assures me he didn’t get any on his herd of animals or blankets.  Meanwhile, Maisie moves back into her own bed. 


Fast forward to 4:30 a.m.  I hear more barfing.  By this point I make a mental note that plastic baby-wipe containers make excellent puke buckets.  Ross, who is a talker by nature, is able to talk even while barfing.  Mike and I are both surprised and impressed.  Ross feels the need to give us the play-by-play on how each hurl feels and how his puke didn’t fly nearly as far as Kelsey’s did at school last week. 

I finally get up for the day and give thanks that Maisie wasn’t kidnapped through the night, Ross will start to feel better, the carpet will come clean and I can sleep Monday night.  No bigs.




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