Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bed Head

Why is it that every time I try to brush my girls’ hair, they scream in pain and act like I’m ripping their scalp off?  During these moments I often regress back to that scene in Uncle Buck where Tia is brushing Maisie’s hair (yes, we got her name from 'Uncle Buck') and Maisie is crabbing about it.  Tia (teenage sister) says, “Hold still Maisie, I’ve got to get all the snarls out”. 
I’ve come to the conclusion that I re-inact movie scenes in my daily life more than I realized.  This is one of those scenes.
Yet I’ve also realized these gals got me fooled.  Conveniently they don’t squeal, scream, fight or cry when their sister is the one brushing their snarls out. 
That's right Maisie, your gonna need plenty of detangler.
Molly is not a morning person.
It's going to be an interesting hair day.  She may walk away looking like the mailman.  With this sort of cooperation, I'm going with it.

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