Friday, May 17, 2013

Mashed Potatoes

This little Miss Muffet had a big day at school this week.  Her preschool toured the kindergarten rooms and ate lunch in the cafeteria.  With Maisie being the middle child, I completely forgot about this event.
When I picked her up from daycare, the conversation went something like this:
Maisie: “Mommy, mommy… I ate lunch at school today!”
Me: “Huh?”
Daycare lady: “She ate lunch here before she left. Had 3 helpings of chicken, brown rice, corn… ate really, really well.”
Me as I shrug: “Who knows.”
Once home, I remembered the preschool class was to eat lunch in the cafeteria that day.  Whoops.
Me: “Maisie, tell me all about school lunch!”
Maisie: “There was gravy and potatoes and chicken and carrots and chocolate milk.  I sat with Mrs. Lopez.  I ate it all except the peaches.”
Ross: “Mom, do you know what the potatoes at school look like?  They use a spoon to put a hole in the middle of the mashed potatoes and put the gravy in the middle.  So weird and dumb.  It looks like a toilet bowl full of turds.”
Me: “That’s how you serve mashed potatoes, Ross.  It’s totally normal.  Maisie, would you like to buy hot lunch when you’re a kindergartener?
Maisie: “Yes, I loved the chocolate milk.”
That’s my girl.

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