Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Kitty Day

Kratt got trapped in the garage all day.  I realized it late afternoon and rescued him.  He graciously didn't try to jump on my lap or crawl up my shoulder.  Instead, he rubbed his back across my legs and walked away.  He's a smart little kitty.  I recently learned when cats do that, they are marking their territory.  Claiming you as theirs.  This makes me curious.  Then again, he knows who feeds him and rescues him from garages.
Meanwhile, the girls decided they were kitty cats today.  It was an early out, so why not?  I'd pretend to be a cat if it was an early out and I was 3 or 5.  But pretending to be a cat at 35 would be weird.  So I just took pictures instead.
The blonde kitty was very intense.  Believe it or not, her hair was done today.
And you may be wondering what kitty cats eat? 
Goldfish, of course!

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