Saturday, May 17, 2014

Another 4 Holes

After finding 4 baby kittens last week, I called the vet.  The vet advised me on the proper care of orphaned kittens.  The directions were simple, keep them warm, keep them fed, keep them clean, help them pee and poop.  The last thing the vet said was, "if you can keep them alive, your doing good".

What the vet didn't mention...

Within a week my son would be attached to each one.
That I'd be moving them from formula to solid food, just like a human baby.
That if I gave them a litter box, they'd start using it instinctively.
That we'd soon learn to identify each kittens unique meow and cry.
And also...
That the odds of abandoned kittens surviving without a mama cat weren't great.
That if one kitten dies, the odds of the others surviving are even worse.
That each of our kittens would die within 36 hours of each other, making the process extra tough on an 8 year old little boy.
That I'd keep my little boy home from school so he could hold each one as they quietly passed from this life to their next.
That my little boy would bury each of his kittens in the flower bed behind the house as I watched tears falling down his cheeks.
That watching my little boy lose 4 pets in 36 hours would be as heartbreaking as it was.
That my son has an incredible level of faith, respect for Mother Nature and the reality of life. 

Looking back, I sometimes wonder if it'd be easier had we not found the kittens.  I could have sheltered my children from the loss they would eventually experience.  That thought is quickly dismissed as I realize Mother Nature taught my children a lesson I could not have done on my own.  And for that, we are truly blessed.

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