Friday, May 30, 2014

Skateboard Swing

Last fall I came across a pin on Pinterest (imagine that) that caught my eye.  I did a little research and finally decided to bite the bullet.  I made a skateboard swing. 

Here's how I did it.
1.  Found Ross' old skateboard in the garage.
2.  Removed the wheels.
3.  Drilled 4 holes wide enough for a 3/8-inch rope to thread through the skateboard.
4.  Tied a knot above each hole to secure rope in place.
5.  Drilled holes through 2 wooden dowels and threaded the rope through.
6.  Tied a knot below each dowel to hold dowels in place for handles. 
7.  Climbed a tall ladder and hung the swing on a thick branch just as a storm rolled in.

Optional: swinging on the skateboard swing while singing 'Let It Go' can be very liberating.  Maisie mastered the technique immediately.
 Side note: after hanging the swing, Maisie later sat in a slice of pizza leaving a triangular shaped grease stain on her maxi dress.  I treated the stain, washed the dress and without thinking, dried it.  Unfortunately, the stain remained.  Pinterest advised me to rub dish soap into the stain and rewash. 
Worked like a charm.

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