Sunday, July 20, 2014

Eagle River Day 1

We left before the sun came up.  We imagined we'd carry each of our sleeping children to the van in their pajamas and they'd sleep several hours in the car.  Lets just say the kids were wide awake before our alarm went off and they actually watched an episode of Disney's "Jesse" while Mike and I finished packing the car in the dark.  Go figure.
Overheard within the past 36 hours...
It was 4:30 a.m when I heard, "I just saw a rainbow in the sky!"
Inside a gas station in Mason City, "This donut looks like a huge cow turd."
As we drove past a field, "Mom, I just saw a guy hanging in that field the same way Jesus died!"
3:30 a.m. after Molly peed the bed. 
"It smells like death in here." 
"I feel like I was punched in the eye." 
"I'm naked and afraid."
And with that, I'll leave you with photos.

Donn and Mike
Aunt Nickie got stuck in the paddle boat.
Betcha didn't know Wisconsin had monkeys.
Maisie and Oliver discuss life at Eagle River.
Meanwhile, I feel more relaxed than humanly possible and am starting to wonder if I've been drugged. 
I swear it has nothing to do with the Razz-A-Ritas either.

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