Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Gifts of Summer

Each summer comes with its own set of gifts.  Gifts which are are unknown until we're in the thick of summer.  Gifts which are everchanging as the kids' interests, as do ours, change. 

Last summer was filled with basketball, babydolls, house showings, a career change, an Under Armour obsession, ballet, roller skates, bike riding and trips to the pool.

This summer were on a mission to make unpoppable bubbles. 
Glycerin was supposed to do the trick, but were still working on it.

Did you know you can use the top of a Gatorade bottle as a bubble blower? 
Maisie's found a soft spot in her heart for those crazy dogs of ours.
I'm guessing the feeling's mutual.
Ross' passion for nature and wildlife is exploding this summer.  His sheer interest, curiousity and respect for nature make me certain this boy is part Indian.
Turns out to be an Eastern Milk Snake.  After researching the reptile, it was discovered to be non-poisonous. 
Therefore, Ross let it bite him twice.  He wanted to know what a snake bite felt like. 
Not to worry, I have an essential oil for that.
I am not skilled to know what the rest of this summer will bring, what next summer or the summer after that will be like. 
But I know for sure it will not stay the same. 
Nothing does.
Therefore, I'm planning to soak up as much of it as I can.
 The secret to having it all... is knowing you already do.

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