Friday, October 3, 2014

New Doo

It started after he came home from school to tell me his class changed desks.  He now sits next to the girl he likes.  I asked if that was a good thing to which he replied, "yeah, I guess". 
Fast forward to later in the evening.  "Mom, what do you think I'd look like with my bangs spiked up like Luke Porters?"
"Lets find out", I replied as I grabbed a brush, mousse, a water bottle and hairspray. 
He felt insecure about changing his hair, yet I can't deny how adorable he looked.  And when I put the pieces together as to why he wanted the new style, my heart turned to goo.
Before bed he was obsessed with whether to do the new style for school or not.  Should I or shouldn't I?  What way do you like better mom?  Maybe I should ask dad?  Mom, are you sure?  But what do you think for real? 
I advised him to see how he felt in the morning and make his decision then.
Morning came and he decided to go for it.  Oh man, this was big.  We got his hair in place as I explained he shouldn't touch it.  To just forget about it and leave it alone. 
5 minutes later he forgot and for some reason was rubbing his head on the floor.  "Dang, I forgot", he said.  So we redid it.
10 minutes later on our way to school, he put on his sweatshirt with the hood.  "Dang, I forgot again".  "Okay, we'll turn around and go home to fix it", I said. 
So we did.
As we rushed back to the van to go to school, both girls hollered from their car seats, "Ross, don't touch your hair!"
As he left toward his classroom he discreetly reminded me to buy a can of mousse to keep in his room.
And with that, my boy is officially a pre-teen.

Update.  The new doo didn't last 10 minutes.  A couple boys told him he looked strange and Ross immediately brushed the bangs back down before walking into the building.
I think they were jealous.

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