Monday, October 6, 2014

What I spent $20 on

The cheer camp form was within hours of being due before I filled it out.  I just wasn't sure.  Last year Sugar Plum did cheer camp, but was too terrified to do any cheers at the Friday night pre-game performance.
She told me she wanted to do it again, so I figured we'd give it a shot.  Ross was pretty sure the $20 fee was a rip-off and there were better things he could think of spending $20 on than Maisie going to cheer camp.  For example, the larger stuffed huskie dog calling his name at Ben Franklins for $12.99. 
Friday after school, I swore she was experiencing her first bout of pms.  She bawled the entire way home from school that she didn't make it to 'rainbow' on the clip chart at school, she decided she hated all her dark colored pants (which were the pants she needed to wear to the cheer performance), her cheer shirt was too big and her shoes just didn't look right with her feet.  What?
I realized things were going downhill fast.  I had to pull out all the stops.  That's when I offered to do her make-up.  Instantly, things turned around.  She chose a dark pair of pants, her sparkle shoes, a side bun and I quickly washed and dried her shirt in a desperate attempt to shrink it. 
Lo and behold, Sugar Plum didn't stop smiling the entire performance as she actually did the cheers this year.  It was a joy to watch her confidence soar as her eyes lit up with pride.  She put on quite a show, even if Ross did mumble throughout the performance, "so this is what you spent 20 bucks on mom?"

Until next year...


  1. Let Ross know $20 is a deal! We pay $30 for Grace to cheer and I help run the camp!! :) Great job, Maisie!!

  2. Thanks Aunt Sara! I'll be sure to tell Ross we got a bargain;)
