Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Dog Duty

I've been on dog duty this week.  Below is what I've taken away from it...
1.  I prefer scooping frozen dog poop over any other type of dog poop.
2.  Our dogs like the flavor of Fritos.
3.  No matter how many times I fill the water bucket in the yard, the bucket will instantly be spilled. 
4.  Our dogs don't care for the UPS man.
5.  When Goose disappears, he can be found at the neighbors house hangin' with their dogs in the garage.  I imagine they have a beer fridge in there and the dogs play poker.
6.  Deer legs are hot commodity in the dog world as well an excellent way to piss off other dogs, including your brother.
7.  It's nearly impossible for me to unhook a dog leash while wearing gloves. 
8.  Mater truck will run out of gas while retrieving Goose from the neighbors garage leaving Molly and I walking along gravel road in freezing temps seeking a gas can.  Images of 'I Shouldn't Be Alive' will creep into my mind. 
9.  Our dogs are capable of pulling me down onto gravel, scraping my knees and ripping my pants all in an effort to wrestle each other.
10.  My husband loves those dogs.
11.  I think I'm a cat person.
Goose with his prize leg.  No clue what happened to the remaining venison.
Maverick.  I had no idea that Border Collies have those light marks above their eyes as a defense mechanism.  According to my husband, it's so when they're sleeping it looks as though their eyes are open!  An awesome science fact to share with my children!
Kratt loves me.  I love the way he curls up on the foot of my bed during the day.  What's happening to me?   I'm contemplating practicing newborn photography on him.  We've bonded.

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