Thursday, April 2, 2015

Counting Down

A holiday must be close.  The girls each have a chain of  paper links dangling from a nail on their bedroom wall. 
Sure enough, Saturday is Easter/Maisie birthday swimming party day with the Green's.  I swear the kids are counting down the seconds.
Meanwhile, I'm at a crossroads.  Maisie's 1'st grade music program begins in approximately 1.25 hours.  I'm contemplating not bringing the camera.  Not because I don't want to remember her standing on the risers under harsh lighting making awkward facial expressions and desperately scanning the audience for a glimpse of me; I already got that shot last year. 
While taking that shot, my contact was in-and-out of focus and I couldn't see the remainder of the performance.  But I could hear it.  (Heather, you're the only one who will get that).  Granted, having contact issues is way better than the fart issues we've dealt with at these things in the past. 
I know there will be people in the audience recording the performance on their phones.   Every year I wonder, for what?!  Are these people going home to actually rewatch the 1st grade music program? 
I can't imagine. 
Then again, I believe it was my first grade music program that I had a square dancing part with Tim Brus.  We all know how that one ended.  Unfortunately, it was captured on tape.  I can't tell you how many times we rewatched the humiliating scene where I forgot to return to the bleachers long after the dance ended. 
Oddly enough, it's 30 years later and I still remember it. 
I don't think the camera's necessary tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I do remember that crowded 4th of July baseball game. That poor old man!
    Good for you to ditch the camera, sometimes the best pictures are the ones you store in your own memory instead of a memory card.
