Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Things I Think About.

We all have internal dialogue, right?  The things running through my mind keep me entertained, motived, giggling to myself, asking weird questions and making more plans than I have time for.  Most of my inner thoughts begin with , 'I wonder...'
For instance;
I wonder why Ross didn't seem concerned about the whitehead on the tip of his nose this morning before school, yet insisted I made sure his ears, nose and rear end looked clean.
I wonder how Maisie is getting through the day based on her theatrical demonstration of her stomachache this morning.
I wonder how Molly learned to work my Kitchen Aid mixer so well and how she knows to correct me when I accidently call 'Focaccia bread Ciabatta bread'.
I wonder if it's bad to cook raw bacon with almost fully-cooked bacon in a hot skillet.
I wonder if the checkout ladies at Fareway think I have a grocery shopping addition.
I wonder if I have arthritis in my hip.
I wonder why Molly said 'dickhole' this afternoon.
I wonder when Molly will stop sleeping in Pull-Ups.
I wonder when we'll move out of here.
I wonder if Maisie knows her pants are the definition of high-waters.
I wonder how Ross is able to eat 9 pancakes and drink a big glass of chocolate milk afterschool.
I wonder if Mike wonders how the house got so trashed during the day.
I wonder how many more times I'll have to clean the shower in the rental.
I wonder what color of floor trim to pick out for our new house.
I wonder how to entertain all 3 kids at the same time when they have completely different interests.
I wonder when Ross outgrew parks.
I wonder why Molly needs so much toilet paper.
I wonder why Maisie's so nice.
I wonder if I'll miss today.

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