Friday, February 16, 2018

Happy V Day!

Whew, what a week!
Not only were my classes able to raise $1200 for post prom through a Valentines Sugar Cookie Sale (by making and decorating nearly 800 sugar cookies), but we pulled off our first Ladies Night Valentines Dinner for the local Lions club at the local winery.  Only 4 of my students able to attend due to state wrestling and the peak of flu season, but in this situation it came down to quality over quantity.  

After all day together (plus the additional 4 hours of after school time) we became a little delirious with one another.  
Here's my crew posing in front of a leaky ceiling in the back room.

Our 'kitchen' workspace.

Two pieces of cake were dropped on the floor.  Ugg! 
We located a broom and dustpan to quickly clean the mess before guests arrived.  
Did the students toss the cake in the trash? 
They saved the 'floor cake' to inhale on ouer way back to school.  Another student ended up eating 4 pieces of cheesecake on the way back.  
Oh, to have that metabolism again...

This was our first time working with Beef Tenderloin.  
I was terrified of overcooking it in an unfamiliar oven.
Once I saw blood and an internal temp of 140 degrees, it was like a weight had been lifted.
Praise Jesus!

 The backroom not only had a leak, but also traps.  
It was a fabulous teaching moment.  

And apparently someone has a friend named, 'Steevo'.
Have I mentioned we were totally delirious?

Then I came home to this...

Clearly Ross is in full swing with Youth Group and heading to Branson for a long weekend with his buddies in April.
Peace Be With You.

And lastly, we were finally able to begin our Protein Unit in Foods 2.  My students couldn't help but capture me in my prime during a lecture.  
Oh kids... you're my favorite.

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