Sunday, November 11, 2018

Crazy Busy, Dirty Vans and Pete's Dragon

This weekend I feel as though I've temporarily come up for air.  Work's been busy, college classes have been tough, it's dark by 5:15, wrestling and basketball practices started, Scrooge practices are in full swing, at nearly 40 I realized it's "etc", not "ect",  the kids have been eating their weights in dry macaroni and gum went through the dryer on high-heat.  And at the same time, I'm constantly reminding myself that 'this too will pass...'

On a Sunday night before a no-school day, Molly actually asked to spend the night in van.  Yep, folks, this is my life.  However, look how long her hair's grown!

One of my favorite times of the day.  Moments away from bedtime....

Maisie is learning to type and is considering re-opening her blog about being a second grader.  Clearly, it's been a while.  

 This is why my van looks the way it does.  

Why my children carve pumpkins barefoot is beyond me.  Less socks to sort?

Jay has discovered Pete's Dragon and Bambi on cassette.  The mornings we're forced to listen to these stories in the van has Ross' patience on the verge of explosion.  Luckily, it's only a 15 minute ride. 

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