Sunday, November 18, 2018

Signs of the Times

Last Wednesday I turned 40. 
I spent the day organizing and completing the production of 51 pumpkin cake rolls and came home with powdered sugar in my shoes and bra.
I guess it's a sign of the times.

The girls tested out a new Monet hair cream prior to sleeping in braids.

Yep, looks familiar.

Mack is in basketball and has 3 hour long practices, Sunday open-gym and metatarsal pain.  Ross is in wrestling which involves 6:15-7:30 a.m. practices each morning.  Maisie has play practice 3 times a week in Winterset.  Brings back memories of Mom's old t-shirt that said, "My Kids Drive Me Crazy, I Drive Them Everywhere Else."
And then I'm supposed to feed everyone 3 times a day too.  
I took a photo of my Sunday morning set-up to give you a glimpse of what's involved with this process.

It's basically the makings for 2 pans of lasagna, thawing beef for tacos, eggs for hard-0boiling, bacon for breakfast burritos, ground pork, fish sauce and soy sauce for a spicy Asian soup, vegetables for snacks, pumpkin for the bars Molly has to take to school Tuesday, chopped ham for homemade hot pockets, bacon grease for dog treats, the diorama instructions Maisie needs for social studies, Molly's Book-It calandar, the Bearenstein Bears Thanksgiving book which takes FOREVER to read, and a partridge in a pear tree.

I have a feeling it's going to be a long winter.  

A very, very long winter...

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