Sunday, February 24, 2019

Chocolate Cake

These snowy weekends are beginning to run together. 
However, immediately after submitting a research proposal exploring the value of enabling youth to master cooking skills at a young age, I was in a whirlwind to get the house clean before the workweek madness hit. 
Laundry was progressing, dishes were caught up, floors were visible, dog treats were made and bathrooms were sanitized.  Almost to the finish line...

I was in the midst of soaking my nasty feet (pre-razor blade) while eating an avocado when I heard it:
"Mom, I'm bored"
Me not thinking:  Well, do you wanna cook something?
Maisie: I actually want to bake.
My floor was clean.  My counters were scrubbed.  But.... she wanted to bake.  I couldn't help but think of my research proposal.  Then, my mind went straight to St. Anne's Church cookbooks and those sticky swivel kitchen stools I think I grew up in.  I KNEW my mom would have said, 'sure, go for it', had I asked.
So, therefore I said, "Sure girls, go for it."

And that's how I ended up with chocolate cake on my counter.

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