Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Pancakes, Picnics and Drive

Tuesday snow day started with Pancake Art.  
Feelings were hurt, clothes were stained, disappointment was inevitable and bellies were full of raw batter.  
Just gettin' this party started.

Wanted to get my van out of the driveway.  
So much to do.
However, my van escaping captivity wasn't in the cards and found its way stuck in the yard.
I know... so many questions.

But we moved on to a nail salon Maisie launched on the dining room table.

And that is when we realized soaking Jay's feet in warm Epson salt water, then rubbing with a cloth takes the black off his toes and ankles.  
It was basically the most satisfying thing I've done since I pulled the flakes of ear wax from his ears with my tweezers and a flashlight.

Dry earwax, typical in East Asians and Native Americans, is light-colored and flaky, while ear wax found in Caucasian and African groups is darker, wetter and, a new study shows, smellier. If you would describe yourself as white or black, your earwax is probably yellow and sticky.

Retrieved from https://www.google.com/search?q=asian ear wax vs caucasian ear wax&oq=asian ear wax vs caucasian ear wax&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.11686j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Is it obvious I'm taking a course on research studies?

But, the day carried on and led to a picnic!  
And why not?
It was just one more sheet to wash.
And besides, we had to celebrate the clean toes.

Then my little "Mike" showed up and decided to try to rescue the van.
Logically, he though the 4-wheel drive 4-wheeler and a chain would fix everything for me.

He didn't wear gloves and his hands were FROZEN.

But he was driven.
That's my favorite part.
It didn't work.
And he's currently in trouble with Mike for attempting this.

That drive will take him places.
For that, I am grateful.

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