Friday, June 7, 2019

New Beginnings

Oprah always asked, "What do you know for sure..."  
To which after this week, is a question I'm struggling with. 

Our sense of security was turned upside down 
after the kids discovered our sweet Sky had been beheaded as they got off the bus on the last day of school and found her headless body laying in the yard. 
The hardest part of it, aside from watching the kids discover a nightmare, is not know what did it.

Which is why I've been working to design a safe room/pen for goats. 
It was tempting to say 'No more.  We can't handle more loss.  We give up.  We did our best.'

But that's not how we roll.

We don't know if our Sky was attacked by a mountain lion, a coyote, a hawk, or something else.

So this week I've rolled up the welded wire.  Molly and I used the jack to pull out 17 fence posts,  drug home over 40 feet of cattle panel from Fontanelle Iowa and purchased 3 goats to add to our 
I guess I'm a little stubborn like that.

When the going gets tough...
put one foot in front of the other and don't give up.

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