Tuesday, June 11, 2019

New Things and Irony

Monday began my summer semester of graduate classes.  
Everything is packed into 6 weeks, so the good news is I'll be finished mid-July.  
The bad news is everything is packed into 6 weeks.  

Part of me wants to take the camper somewhere with WIFI for the next 6 weeks and earn 6 credits while my kids kayak, ride bikes, play baseball, spray round-up, take drivers ed, have playdates, take care of goats, get back and forth from baseball games, rotate the laundry, retrain the dog, unload the dishwasher and mow the lawn.  

The other part of me knows I'm dreamin'

But in the midst of the day, when I was feeling pulled in a hundred and one different directions, Ross showed me this...

And it brought me back to life.

There isn't enough time in the day.
There never will be.

My girls wanted to make hair scrunchies. 
Yes, I realized we are not in the '90s anymore, but still.

I didn't have time for hair scrunchies.  
Heck, after the morning ball game, I didn't have time to make dinosaur chicken nuggets, to fold the mountain of laundry on the couch, to unload the dishwasher or make the ham and cheese hot pockets I've planned for the past 3 days.  
Instead, I dug straight into my homework.  

The interruptions were insane.  
Jayson decided I needed to repair his Scooby Doo pajamas.  
The girls kept loosing the string in the sewing machine.  
Jayson wouldn't stop talking about how roller skates are like cars.
I knew it was some sort of test of my patience.

I got through it.
It wasn't the end of the world.  
The kids wanted my attention.
Why is that such a nuisance?

I find it interesting one of my classes is called, Stress In the Family.  The first chapter focused on everyday stress and hassles.  It acknowledged mothers do twice as much childcare and home chores as fathers.

In fact, researchers state mothers are less stressed at an outside job than they are at home- the complete opposite of fathers.  
I may sound like Alanis Morrisette, but isn't it ironic? 

And then I wondered who was caring for those baby birds in the nest of the electrical box? 
Hmmm... again, isn't it ironic?

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