Sunday, November 24, 2013


Today became a looooong Sunday afternoon.  I grew up with those and therefore,  handled it like a pro.  Maisie attended a birthday party, Mike researched the end of the world and Ross watched ice skating on channel 13 with me.  I thought of Gfunk and wondered what ever happened to Brian Boitano.  This morning Molly received a "fwower" from church as it was her 'baptismal anniversary'.  Glad someone's keeping track.
I'll let you interpret the next photo for yourself.   Those of you who know my husband wont be phased.
Meanwhile, I can't decide what I appreciate more... how completely bored Kratt looks, or how trashed our living room is.
Maisie was kind enough to tell me this morning that my eye wrinkles looked 'wicked'.  Ironically, this afternoon Mike found my wrinkle cream in the remote-control-car tub in the basement.  Again, how ironic.
Her newest ballet-pose-smile.
Stay tuned to find out what else Mike and Ross have been up to in the basement this weekend...

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