Thursday, June 12, 2014

Strawberry Fest, Cousins and Dad's Garden

 I took my kids on a little adventure to my old stomping grounds.  It all started with the annual Strawberry Festival.  The kids each ran in the fun run.  Yes, the same race that gave us Green kids stomach cramps, dry mouth, unpredictable diarrhea, cold sweats and statements like, "I think I'm just gonna jog it."  So naturally, I couldn't resist signing my kids up for the same memories.
Ross was old enough to run the mile while the girls each ran 1/4 mile.  Molly held my hand the majority of her race, Maisie's shoe fell off twice and Ross won 4th place in his age group.  Oh, but hold onto your hats!  These days the Strawberry Fest coordinators give away prizes to kill time while racers await the official race results.  Maisie's name was drawn for a brand new bike as well as a coupon for a cookie at Subway.  Ross commented, "Jeez, Maisie must be having a lucky day."
These girls are ready to race.
Uncle Greg runs with Grace while Aunt Heather runs with Laura. 
Maisie and Laura appear to be laughing as they run.
I got the honor of running with Molly. 
Ross gets focused before the mile race begins.
After I snapped this shot, he told me to 'quit-it and go away'. 
I think I pissed him off.
Maisie being presented with her new bike.

Ross rounds the curve with lightening speed.
Zach, Cole and Ross show off their trophies.
I think they were a little excited.
The girls thought this dog was pretty awesome.  Since the dog didn't talk, Laura just danced with it. 
Racers after the race.
Meanwhile, there's now a stuffed fawn residing at my parents house.  Molly couldn't stop petting it.
Luckily for GG, the girls are old enough to start helping prepare meals.
Zach, Maisie and Molly really hit it off.  Zach gave these flowers to the girls. 
Maisie Daisy and Molly Rose.
Cole and Ross were attached at the hip.
Aunt Heather and the Maxi-Dress girls

The boys took a dip.  The next day 2 very, very large snapping turtles were pulled out of this pond.  Yikes!
Turtle Stew anyone?

Meanwhile, my dads garden never ceases to amaze me.







  Yep, it's official.  The best things in life aren't things.

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