Thursday, July 31, 2014

Fairy Gardens

My girls love crafts.  Soon enough they'll be glued to Pinterest, but until then I do what I can to satisfy their crafting urges.  The kids have been fighting like wild wolves this week and I realized it was time for an intervention.  The answer was clear.  We needed a craft. 
I gathered my crafting supplies in a big bag, made a list of things to make and dove in head first.  We painted wood, rocks and paper, we glued popsicle sticks and pebbles, we dug in the dirt, collected nature supplies and picked raspberries and turnips.  I'm happy to report the fighting was at a minimum today.  Ironically, Ross doesn't like crafts.  Therefore, while the girls crafted, Ross kept busy cracking geodes, cutting pallets apart with a jigsaw to build a fort, helping track down the dogs and shooting frogs in the creek with his bb gun.  Perhaps the answer wasn't so much about 'crafting' as it was 'separation'. 
Either way, I'm counting it as a win.
Enjoy the photos of the girls building their fairy gardens.  Meanwhile, I'll be scanning Pinterest for a way to use up some turnips.

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