Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mock Milkbones and Turtle Carcasses

The dogs are gonna need lots of training.  They've ran off twice (once while wearing their shock collars).  We obviously haven't mastered the technique of training quite yet and have concluded we suck at dog training.  Regardless, dog training requires lots and lots of treats.  Milkbones average $4 a box.  A box!  Well, It just so happens, I don't suck at dog treat making. 
In fact, I've become obsessed with it.
The boys can sit, lay down and are in the beginning stages of heel.  They also like my mock Milkbones. 

Maverick contemplates swinging, but decides against it when he discovers what Goose found.

It's a turtle carcass.  Mike shot it in the pond when he feared it was killing his fish.  It took nearly 2 weeks to surface in the pond and I heard the smell was raunchy.  He later learned turtles are not harmful to fish.  Go figure.

They chew on it, tear at it and growl over it.  I don't believe Petco sells turtle carcasses, but the concept might be something to pursue.

All he wants is a teeny-tiny piece of dried up turtle.  If only Goose weren't so possessive.

Got it.
But don't even think about taking anymore.  Finders keepers.
"I believe I swallowed a bone"
Just a little inside joke for the Green family. 
Now if you'll excuse me, I have dog treats to bake.

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