Wednesday, January 6, 2016

'A He'

Several weeks ago we heard 'meowing' on our front porch.  The sun hadn't come up yet and the dog was locked in the garage.  Kuda was digging in the litter box, so I knew it wasn't him.  Mike and I looked at each other without saying a word and went for the front door expecting hoping to find Kratt.  I knew immediately it wasn't him by the face.  Mike thought otherwise.  We let it inside and fed it Kratts old food.  We all wondered, "Could it be Kratt?"  That's when Mike noticed it had a vagina. 


If nothing else, it confirmed our suspicions that Kratt was gone for good.  We named her Catniss (from the Hunger Games) and welcomed her inside to eat each morning and night in the days following. 

Eventually, Goose spied her and chased her off.

She never came back.

Then last Sunday arrived.

I was still in my robe when Mike answered a call from his parents.  A neighbor had an orange cat with an injured leg on his back deck.  He wondered if anyone was missing an orange cat. 

Of course, we all piled in the minivan hoping to discover Kratt had been found.  Upon our arrival, it was clear Catness was the cat on his ice-covered deck, pacing back and forth with her back paw dragging behind her.  Of course the neighbor was allergic to cats and couldn't bring her inside.  He'd already called all the other neighbors and nobody would claim her. 
We were in a sticky situation, to say the least.

So we brought her home.

We decided to take her to the vet Monday morning.  We didn't know how old she was, her health condition, if she was pregnant, anything.

Catness tolerates Kuda's constant 'kittenness'

By 4:30 Monday afternoon Mike received a call from the vet.  Turns out Catness was a "He". 

A 'neutered he'.

That's when I began downloading old photos of Kratt.  We looked at Kratts color patterns and compared them to Catness'. 

Guess what?

Catness is Kratt.

We brought Kratt home Tuesday night.  He's in a splint and a cast.  If the leg doesn't regain feeling in the next 3-4 weeks, he may end up being a 3-legged cat. 

Ross wasn't 100% convinced it was Kratt until Wednesday afternoon when he noticed a single black whisker on Kratts face.  "Yep, it's definitely Kratt", he agreed.

Kratt in his cast.

It's like an orthopedic rehab facility around here. 
Whatever... Kratts home.


  1. What a miraculous story. I'm so glad Kratt is back! It sounds like a Kratt was temporarily a victim of identity theft. Thank goodness for your handy detective work!

  2. Well . Well . Well ..... Eye am glad your cat has returned ..... Isn't it sexiest to determine an animals sex ?? Maybe it's Bruce/Katelyn !! You could breakout Grandmas old handicap parking permit sign for the cat .
