Saturday, April 30, 2016

A Leap Of Faith

I know it's been too long since my last post.  
We've been knee-deep in paperwork. 
We've got news to share.

No, I'm not pregnant and don't plan to be.

Since Molly was born in 2010, the conversation of a 4th child has been brought up more than once...

Now and then Mike would tell me adoption was something he'd love the opportunity to experience in this lifetime.  I wasn't so sure.... the whole nature vs. nurture thing is scary, but I also understood his feeling of being able to change a life of a child if the right opportunity presented itself. 
If was the key word.

The idea simmered in the back of our minds ever since.  We knew in our hearts our family wasn't complete, but also knew I wasn't big on the idea of another pregnancy.  For Petes sake, I'm on the verge of 40, have achy joints, sciatica, a teaching career I love and openly admit am not willing to sacrifice sleep. 

Backing up nearly 11 years. 
I had a picture in my mind.  A picture of what my child would look like when he/she was born. 
Lo and behold Ross was born with a red mullet.  And I thought...huh, this is what my child looks like? 
I loved him fiercely regardless, just not what I expected.

Fast forward 2 weeks ago.
I saw a picture of a 13 year-old boy living halfway across the world of whom I didn't know, yet for some reason recognized. He had been left on a street in China when he was Molly's age (5-1/2).  He was found later that day and officers worked to locate his parents.  They were unsuccessful.

He's been living in a Chinese orphanage ever since.  That was 8 years ago.

A few days after seeing his picture, I couldn't get this boy out of my head.  I eventually showed his picture to Mike and watched as he fell head over heels for this unknown child. 

There was something about him that was familiar.  Besides the fact that he has my cheekbones and Ross' teeth, he looked like ours.... but Asian.  We realized he was the one we'd been waiting for.

We've named him Mack, which means 'the son'.

We know this is unexpected, out of character, risky and downright crazy.  But that's where Faith steps in....

Please join us in this incredible journey as we bring home our son. 
Your support means the world to us.

Below is the song I can't seem to get out my head these days. 

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