Saturday, April 2, 2016

Aldis and Corn

Molly's been craving sweet corn like nobodies business.  I've emphasized "It's a bad time of year for sweet corn.  Very, very bad", countless times as we walk through the grocery store.  The crazy thing is, we've got corn.  Canned corn, frozen corn, corn muffins, corn flakes..... none will do.

I've done the Survey Monkey on her and the results are in.  Corn isn't what she's after. She's after the cob.

Evidence about Traders Joes teaming up with Aldi's have filtered through my ears and I decided to chalk-up a quarter to make this grocery adventure happen.

Of course the place was a zoo.  11:30 on Saturday morning is a bad, bad time to shop at Aldi's.  In all 4 aisles we ended up in a traffic jam with an 87 year old Biologist from Iowa State University and his 2 hermit sons.  How do I know this?  He told me all about it in the check out line after he started a conversation by asking me if I have monkeys at home to feed the bananas in my cart to.

The girls were constantly asking me what he was saying and I just kept repeating, "Everything is normal.... shhhhhh, I'll tell you in the car".

However, had we not swung into Aldi's (no pun intended), we wouldn't have discovered the 2.49/6 pack of fresh sweet corn.

I caved.

Upon our return home, she was hungry for corn. 
Imagine that.

I prepared the corn and at that moment, she realized front teeth are necessary for the cob version of corn.

The struggle is real.

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