Sunday, November 13, 2016

Squirrel Hunt 2016

While finally going through my Squirrel Hunt photos from the first weekend in November, I noticed I had several others I haven't posted yet either.  Therefore, I'm throwing a few bonus shots into this post.

GG and Papa brought us our yearly rations of beef in October.  No, Mike is not moving into the trailer in the background. 
I couldn't resist posting this fancy one of dad either... 

Hudson turned 1- sheesh!

We've reached the point where we may need two trampolines, one for boys and one for girls.

 Pepsi and Coco Puffs and Cousis at GG's.  This is the life.
 The squirrel heart Ross attempted to eat for $20.

I have no words.

 Mack had the chance to meet all his cousins.  Life is Good.

And of course, the World Series was not to be missed.  We watched from a projector on the patio.

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