Saturday, May 6, 2017

Every Thing is Good

So what's the latest?  Clearly Molly's been on my phone taking selfies.
I am currently watching her wash the storm door passionately with Windex as I fear a shot to the back with a BB through the window.  Ross' old buddy, Alex is over for the night. 
No explanation needed....

The cookie fundraiser situation is out-of-control and one way or another I've got around 1600 cookies to make in less than 6 days.  I have no words. 

Yet here I sit typing while drinking the familiar boxed wine and eating the pretzels I shouldn't be eating because they're for the 850 Caramel Pretzel Cookies I've yet to make while daydreaming of announcing our NEXT fundraiser in a few short days.

This is my little love gearing up for her kindergarten music concert last week.

And of course, practicing expressions.

I was prepared for this 'Don't look at me, I'm going to hold onto my long bang for the duration of the program' look.

But out of no where, she broke loose.

and participated in the motions!

As Ross sat with friends making appropriate jokes... I'm sure.

We can't find a mirror in the house, so we constantly take 'back of my hair photos'.

Things may be crazy, funny, stressful and weird, but something about the look on her face tells me everythings' good.

Say a prayer at least one of these Grant Applications get a second look!  Faith in Faith.

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