Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Open Smiles, Twinsies and Military Gear

I truly wish I could post more, but life's got me by the horns.  Between the laundry (which fills the entire sectional), the snacks which are never enough, the floors that look like an explosion of corn on the cob mixed with cake and mashed potato, the paperwork, the career, the side jobs/fundraisers, the toilets that look like someone has IBS, and did I mention the laundry... I'm sorta drowning.

But this blog is my escape and when I start getting crabby, I know it's time to type, that or sleep  Whatever.  My 'me-time' is essential to running this circus.

This little critter eats lunch at 10:45.  She commented how some kids eat lunch with their mom and 2 friends in the café.  Well for Pete's sake darlin', all you had to do was ask!  10:45 is the start of my prep period, so lunch with little Moo is no bigs!  And for her 2 friends... she chose the two girls standing behind her in line.  Naturally. 

The open mouth smile is hereditary.  She honestly can't resist doing it.

I asked for one with a real smile.

This little girl in my cooking class has the same smile.  I get it.

Uncle Donn was out to share his old military gear with Ross last weekend.  Let's just say they were both in hog heaven.

This was the concluding photo from Maisie's birthday.  Matching outfits from the mall.

Molly bought her own new shirt with her tooth fairy money.

And of course we've had track meets.
This is Molly. Wearing Grandma's visor.  With Maisie laying on the bleacher under her.

And a sweet science teacher makes Violet jelly!  She brought this to me on Monday and I think its gorgeous.  She makes it with those pretty wild violets that are popping up this time of year. 
Sometimes it's the little things...

1 comment:

  1. The open mouth picture is definitely hereditary. I understand totally...
