Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Track Meets, Buns and Chalk

So here we are, hovering Easter weekend already.  What does that mean?  Basically, strawberries are on sale, groceries stores are giving away free turkeys with the purchase of a ham, the ground is 'soggy', the dog is hyper, ticks are coming out and school needs to end.

I snagged a few shots of Molly Sunday morning, confident her 2 front teeth would be gone by lunchtime.  Well here it is Wednesday and she's not letting them go without a fight.  I'm to the point I'm concerned she's going to choke on her teeth through the night.

But the weather's warm and plants are budding.  Girls and drawing cakes and balloons and boys are creating inappropriate images which will remain until it rains...

And the little guy we'll soon call 'ours' is desperately waiting our arrival. 

Our oldest had his first track meet. 
Holy crap was that COLD!

However, Ross was in his element.  He pawned a hot dog, a blanket and the attention of the 7th and 8th graders throughout the meet.  And incase your wondering, Yes, I snapped this photos as I was shivering UNDER the bleachers so I could use the announcers booth as a wind block.  I felt like a poacher, but it truly was the warmest spot to be.

 By Tuesday night the sun was shining again and Molly and I got to catch up on our Mancala skills outside. 

Track meets, parks, buns and chalk... if that doesn't scream Easter, I don't know what does.

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