Thursday, April 20, 2017

Hurdles, Turdles, Birthdays and Cousins

Friday night I reminisced.  I was warned by an 8th grader to 'be careful Ms. Boyd, you're OLD' before I did it.  Talk about rude!  However, I DID feel a little more 'clunky' and my hip and knee felt a little tender afterwards.  BUT... I did it.  I ran over 2 hurdles without falling or knocking a hurdle down.  Did I mention it was raining outside?  Even more reminiscing...  Oh, and Mack is running hurdles in a Lennox track meet tomorrow after school.  I'm a little proud.

Mealtimes at our house have become multicultural.  I realized this only as I served Lasagna and Fried Rice on the same night.  Pay no attention to the boy in a bandana laying in the pantry...

And guess who's missing her 2 front teeth!!!
And rest assured, the white mass in the front of her gums is NOT her new tooth.  Just a build up of white blood cells due to the tooth wanting to come out a week ago.
It's gone now.

Maisie turned 9 yesterday and her biggest wish was to slide down the steps on cardboard into a pile of balloons. 

Like Walt Disney, I'm here to make dreams come true.
Nevermind the fact she's sliding down the quilt G'Funk made me for High School Graduation. 
I pretty sure G'Funk wouldn't have it any other way.
After school this week, Ross made me turn around for a very important find.

If you can't tell, it's in the green bowl.

And Goose can't stop thinking about it.

It's a turtle.  Ross wanted to show Mack after track practice, but the turtle wouldn't stay in the bucket.  We had to pull over so Ross could let it go under a bridge. 

Our boy.

And I can't forget EASTER!

Watch those puddles!

The hunt was aggressive!

These kids... (minus 4)... their parents... their grandparents... God Love 'Em! 

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