Monday, August 7, 2017

Bikes and Bargains

You know I can't ignore a good price.  It's genetic.  G'funk taught me at a young age, "For 3 bucks it can just hang in your closet".  So when we learned of Kum and Go's $1 drinks all summer, it was Game On. Seriously, any size, $1.
My kids love gas station slushies.  So after a hard day of riding bikes, Kum and Go looses a few pennies on us.  The kids grab the XX-Large cups and overflow them with their favorite slushy flavor.  I kinda feel like the lady? in the yellow hair is getting annoyed with us.

Guess who doesn't care...

And when we get tired of riding in town, we always have this gravel road to play dumb and dumber on.

In other news, my Chick Fil-A/Fed-Ex van has been pickin' a fight with me.  The door jammed, I couldn't fit my groceries in the back and it stalled out on me in the middle of a highway on a curve of a hill last weekend.  Afraid we're gonna have to break up

Which leaves me with....


Sunday morning was spent de-dog-hairing, vacumming, Armor Alling and washing this beaut.  Luckily I had some help.


I spy with my little eye... look closer and you'll see.

At the grocery store this morning.  Look what I can fit!  A trunk of groceries, 2 bikes and 4 kids (1 with $1 slushie).  
It's perfect!

You may recall Ross was riding a pink bike last week?  
We found some spray paint this afternoon and the kids spent the day taking apart bikes, painting bikes and getting pissed when they couldn't figure out how to put them back together.

Stay tuned to see how it all works out

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