Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Bring on Summer!

Good golly.  Somehow or another, summer break has once again arrived.
This Mama still has 2 days of professional development left, but the kids have been done since Friday.
This photo was taken last Friday.  Mack was annoyed.  Ross was being a bully.  I was getting pissed. Molly's backpack zipper is busted so she's been 'making it work' with her hip and arm.  I didn't realize until later Jay wore a hole through the bottom of his shoe and he was practically wearing socks to school.  Molly is wearing the same shorts Maisie wore on the first day of school last fall.  Both girls are wearing matching shirts.  I'm somewhat oblivious, but it's working just fine.

Jay has discovered water fights.  He's more adventurous than Mack in regards to water and skin exposure.

I should probably look into some water guns instead of relying on the Gatorade bottles.

And then came the beach.  
When the temps dipped into the 100's last weekend, I knew these kids needed a little nature.
Jay held onto me like a baby monkey as I walked him into the water for the first time, scared to dip even his toes.
But before we knew it, he was comfortable as a minnow.
Mack and Ross took off on kayaks, so they were occupied for as long as their rowing could last.
I'm honestly wondering if the couple in the background were getting engaged?

Regardless, it was a standard public beach.  A little skanky and a dead fish and band-aid floating around in the area to the left.

And everyone knows swimming makes you 'starved', so I had a cooler packed with 9 peanut butter sandwiches, 5 single servings of beef jerky, 1 cup almonds, 9 Capri Suns, 12 waters, a jar of cocktail pickles, a jar of green and can of black olives and 8 string cheeses.
After 2 hours, it was gone.

Oh, and guess who just got accepted into grad school at Eastern Illinois University this fall?  

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