Tuesday, May 22, 2018

So Easy To Miss

As we inch closer and closer to another summer, I realize my kids are inching closer and closer OUT of childhood.  
Aside from the huge ball that thought puts in my throat, I can literally feel God screaming at me to Soak This Up!  
Before long, we'll be looking at colleges and putting down payments on apartments.  
As much as that thought makes me want to vomit, I've put my trust in God and have decided to live-it-up with my babes while I have them.  

I don't have a picture of Ross swinging the bat or catching a ball at this nail-biter against the top-rated Winterset team, (because honestly,  I was busy biting my nails).  
But I have this photo of him 'on deck'.
It's as good as it gets right now.
I'm trying harder to be present.

And the things we take for granted?  
Don't even get me started.
Jayson went to his FIRST friend birthday party Saturday afternoon.

And this little thing has been stealing my heart with her imagination these days.  
The bun, the shoes, the baby, the purse...the creeper van in the reflection of the door...so many scenarios!

There are days I miss a concrete street...

But watching my little guy with a dandelion for the first time; 

or discovering his shadow; 

Seriously, the things we take for granted...

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