Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Goats Take 2

Last night we went to bed with zero goats. 
Tonight we have 4.

Meet Jersey.
She's a delicate, spoiled little fainter who comes from Oskalooska.  She had a surprise sister at her birth and was originally named Helen, while her twin was named Keller.  She was disbudded and hand fed goat grain.  
I just love her.

These are the redheaded stepsisters of the herd.  
Meet Maple and Ash.  
They are sisters.
Maple was born in the spring and Ash is 1 year.  Ash is working toward a degree of "Head of the Herd" which I've learned is a common practice among goats. 
She's a little bossy.

I've decided Maple is my model.

Isn't she gorge?

And our sweet Willow is back.
I'm jealous of her quads.

To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan and not quite enough time.
We're down to the wire...

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