Thursday, October 31, 2019

Fall Fun!

These girls of mine are just what the doctor ordered these days.  
Last weekend was cheer night at the game and both girls were 'feeling the school spirit."  
They remind me so much of myself at this age.  
Weird, awkward, self conscious, and goofy.  Maisie even has a different voice at school than she does in real life now.  
She claims she can't make it stop.

Meanwhile, I'm working to help ServeSafe students understand they CANNOT wear long acrylic nails in a food establishment.  
Clearly, I'm not getting through to them.

And because Maisie is in a 'trying-to-be-funny' stage, she dressed as her math teacher for a friend Halloween gathering.  
I think she looks a little more like Velma from Scooby Doo- but, whatever.

And in the midst of it all, Ross re-broke his leg.  
Not a proud moment for any of us who were involved with the second break, hearing the orthopedic surgeons' disappointment of the break, or having to purchase 2 sets of crutches within 3 months.

Yet, it is what it is, and we make our own beds.

Then the snow fell and the roads froze up overnight.
I texted Mack at 7:51 to drive carefully to school as the roads were slick.  
I got the call at 8:08.
He had spun out across the highway and landed in the ditch.

Then there's this little bottle of sunshine who can't get enough farm chores.
Where did she come from?

I can't get enough of her right now.

In the meantime, I'm taking the girls trick-or-treating for Halloween.  
Molly isn't dressing up, just going as a 'girl', Jay has zero interest in trick-or-treating and will probably program some sort of device instead, Ross will be with friends (making smart choices) and Maisie is going as a box.  

However I can't stop from thinking about one of my favorite sayings - 'whenever you start wondering where God is, remember the teacher is always quiet during a test'

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Girls Goats, Critter Burials and Casseroles

Life on the goat-stead is going.  We're down one goat as our first, Willow is being bred.  
Sick thought, I know.  Let's just say dropping her off as the male chased her around with his tongue dangling from above his beard and making 'mounting attempts' while she tried to run away was hard.   Poor thing will probably be so sore...

After speaking with 'goat friends' at parent-teacher conferences, one can tell females are fertile when they try to 'ride' each other and get crusty discharge under their tails.
Seems all our goat girls are on the same cycle!
After I took this photo, Molly suggested our goats might be "lesbian"

 Goose chased some sort of chipmunk animal out of our firewood stack last weekend and left it on the driveway for our applause. 
Molly named the dead animal, "Critter" and gave it a proper burial last weekend.  

She dug the hole in fake Birkenstocks, we said a prayer for peace, buried it and walked away.  
All in mornings work.

Afterwards, we had a lesson on making Tater-Tot Casserole.  
Ironically,Tater-Tot casserole was on the hot-lunch menu this week at school. 
We have a new student who grew up in California and was exposed to this creation for the very first time on Tuesday.  
Poor kid.  
He thought he was being served dog food and wondered how us 'midwesterners' digest it.  

Welcome to Iowa Buddy - Just wait for Biscuit and Gravy Day!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


My white boys is out of his cast. 

He's using his drivers permit to haul the family to school each day in the big white van with two feet and a pillow.  I've noticed how many local kids wait and wave at our van each morning along our route and have decided to buy candy to throw out the window each morning from here on out.  Why not make the van a candyvan?

Life's all about modifiyng the ideal to fit your needs.  The crutches weren't working.  The stoppers on the bottom wore out leading him to slip and fall in the halls.
  No Bueno.  
He's going without his cruches and seems to be a lot safer.  He did call me from the band room this afternoon during a tornado warning taking place during a volleyball game after school, but that's another story.  
In about 6 weeks his pins will come out and we'll begin physical therapy.

Speaking of therapy, Jays speech therapy is going well and he recently learned about the word, anticipate. 
 In fact, he has come to anticipate McDonalds each Monday after therapy.
His brothers and sisters don't seem to mind...
