Thursday, October 24, 2019

Girls Goats, Critter Burials and Casseroles

Life on the goat-stead is going.  We're down one goat as our first, Willow is being bred.  
Sick thought, I know.  Let's just say dropping her off as the male chased her around with his tongue dangling from above his beard and making 'mounting attempts' while she tried to run away was hard.   Poor thing will probably be so sore...

After speaking with 'goat friends' at parent-teacher conferences, one can tell females are fertile when they try to 'ride' each other and get crusty discharge under their tails.
Seems all our goat girls are on the same cycle!
After I took this photo, Molly suggested our goats might be "lesbian"

 Goose chased some sort of chipmunk animal out of our firewood stack last weekend and left it on the driveway for our applause. 
Molly named the dead animal, "Critter" and gave it a proper burial last weekend.  

She dug the hole in fake Birkenstocks, we said a prayer for peace, buried it and walked away.  
All in mornings work.

Afterwards, we had a lesson on making Tater-Tot Casserole.  
Ironically,Tater-Tot casserole was on the hot-lunch menu this week at school. 
We have a new student who grew up in California and was exposed to this creation for the very first time on Tuesday.  
Poor kid.  
He thought he was being served dog food and wondered how us 'midwesterners' digest it.  

Welcome to Iowa Buddy - Just wait for Biscuit and Gravy Day!

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