Tuesday, January 21, 2020


It's been a mid-January, no school, colder-than-a-witches-tit kind of day.  
The goats didn't even try to leave their shelter- which calls for large Tupperware bowls of hot water to be carried into their dwelling for proper hydration.  
But goats are so stupid, they actually poop and pee in their food and water buckets.  Therefore, I'm having to bring bowls of frozen-poop-ice into the house for a few hours to thaw so I can dump it out.

It's getting weird.

My final semester of masters classes have begun, my school catering business is taking off faster than I can keep up, I've been introduced to audiobooks thanks to Heather, and I miss my camper.

And this crazy youngin' of mine cannot sit still.
He's wrestling now.
 I tried to hold off, but you know Ross and when there's a will there's a way...
In his first meet of the season, he pinned the first 2 and won 1.

So yeah, I guess this is the scary part. 
Otherwise, known as Faith.

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