Saturday, January 25, 2020

Joy and Rectums

As we continue our "Joy Sparking" quest, I felt it was important to emphasize to the kids that not EVERYTHING you do in life will spark joy- some of life is called responsibility.  Which is how I wound up as a gate worker for the Rich Gray Wresting tournament with a sore throat, headache and fever this afternoon.  And why Ross is working at a Soup and Bingo night at the church with his youth group tonight.  On the other hand, the idea of getting Maisie to an 8:00 A.M. basketball game in Downtown Des Moines this morning did not spark joy for any of us, which made calling in sick, 'joyful.'  

While resting my pounding head against the rough, yet cool bricks of the school wall as I acted as "gate keeper" I talked with fellow goat-friends who asked if Willow was plumping up.  She's due the 3rd week of March, you know.  It's so hard to tell, I explained.  It's possible, but she could just be 'hay- full' too.  It's kind of like the 4th month of a human pregnancy.  You don't really look pregnant, more like you just finished a heavy lunch.  I got home snapped some photos of Willow and passed them along to the experts.  
The first round came back inconclusive before I was asked to send some straight up rectal shots.  

Willow wasn't so sure about that.
As was I as a goat berry was dangling off her butt which I wasn't about to brush away.

Although this task didn't spark joy, we did it.  And according to my goat expert: Yes she looks bred based on the rear pics. She may not show belly wise as I am assuming she’s a first timer. She may not even start to have a bag until right before kidding.

And even more interesting...

The rear photo shows that her rectum is in a circle not a flat line. It very odd but they say that a bred doe will have a ‘hole’ that’s rounder in shape.

So I marched back out to the goat house to snap butt pics of the unbred... for comparison.  Maple wasn't cooperating- I don't really blame her though.

Jerseys rectum- unbred

Ashes rectum- unbred

I'm not entirely convinced.  However, I guess well find out for certain one way or another Mid-March.  
Sorry this got so weird.

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