Thursday, August 26, 2021

End of Summer Dump

End of summer photo dump of all the things that make being a mom of 5 very different kids interesting.  For starters, there was this purchase.  Many would assume it was some sort of mid-life crisis purchase for Mike or I, but nope.  

It's Ross' dream car.  Only cause it's a stick shift and the headlights pop up when you turn them on.  

Kind of how I'm feeling about it. 

I don't know.

Back to school we went on August 23. 
It was hotter than a rats ass and working in a non-air conditioned school was challenging.  
Super pumped to get out early every day due to heat, but kind of embarrassing when the opposing high school volleyball team had girls being hauled off the court on stretchers due to heat exhaustion during games.  
Guess our girls had the advantage of being acclimated to the climate.

But before that happened, the dogs neutering stitches came apart while Mike and I were in Colorado?  Sounds like he'll be fine, but will be left with 'lips'

And I can't figure out why the dog will carry the goat buckets back to the house for Molly, but not me.

I did NOT get my nose pierced.  
Maisie wanted a fake nose ring and Claire's was doing the "Buy 3, Get 3" so I caved and let her pick one out.  
While shopping in TJ Maxx she got weird about wearing it and didn't want to carry it around or wear it.  Guess who got stuck with the stupid nose ring for safe keeping.

Molly got a bow and arrow for her birthday.
She already has quite the fan club.

These car photos just keep popping up, don't they.

I think we're officially ready for fall.

Friday, August 20, 2021

The Trip

We looked so forward to this trip, not knowing exactly what to expect, but hoping for the best.  

It didn't disappoint.  

There are few times in life you feel like a movie star.  This was one of them...

For starters, everyone kept referring to me as Jennifer Lawrence throughout the duration of the trip.  The head guy of Delta even asked me to take my mask down during business meeting introductions to show my face.  

I'm not mad about it. 

However, it was evident I have aged as I found myself taking photos of the food.  

I know.  Such a G'funk move.

And these are just the ones I remembered capture. 

Caesar Salad lunch at the Denver Airport heading out.

Paella with Beef, Chicken and Seafood

Eggs Benedict with Elk Sausage

Avocado Toast

Ham, Gazpacho, Roasted Vegetables, Blue Cheese Potatoes and Blueberry Vinaigrette and Salad

Ribs, BBQ Pork, Southwest Salad and Bread Pudding.  This was after the tuna tartar and elk tartar.  
Did you know tartar means raw?

There as also hiking to see the history of the rocks.

And without kids, there were naturally a lot of Mike and Heidi Photos.

The view from the deck of our room.

We had a delay in Grand Junction which meant we missed our flight out of Denver.  
What to do when you're stuck in an airport for 5-1/2 hours.

We found a couple spots to hang for a while.

And when I'm crazy-busy running around like a lunatic once school starts up Monday, I'll be able to close my eyes and remember there are moments, and places like 

Monday, August 9, 2021

Molly is 11!

The friend party is always the hardest.  
We skipped cake for fruit parfaits this year.  
Nobody even likes frosting these days.
It's all about the Cool Whip.

And I'm hoping we're not the only family who has a hodgepodge of used candles to select from each birthday.  
She found 10 matching, then threw in a white one to make it look neutral.

Then we blew up balloons for the mailbox.  Because it's not a party without balloons tied to the mailbox.

It's not the most professional-looking, or perfectly edited, but this photo is one of my favorites.

The pool was our first stop.  Had to burn off some excited 10 and 11-year-old energy somewhere.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing her so happy.

And because you only turn 11 once, I drove 4 hyper girls, plus Maisie to McDonald's in Des Moines on a Saturday.  
AND, the best part was that they had an ordering kiosk! 
God help me.

Sunday Morning was for Starbucks.  'Maisie stepped this photo out.'
Half the girls had no idea what to order as they've never been- only heard of it - as if it were Hollywood.
3 pink drinks, 1 iced chai latte, a Unicorn cake pop, and a cookie-java-chip frappuccino later, we could finally call this party a Win.
I don' think anyone packed a hairbrush either.

They were supposed to camp out in the tent- but everyone came inside the living room at 1 a.m. due to lightning.  
Plus Leo and the septic are smelling a little rough back there.
Everyone's gift included some sort of fidget because it's 2021 and that's what 11-years-olds do.
There was only one argument that revolved around one friend not believing in Maisie's psychic abilities after the Ouija board and Tarot cards popped out, and Molly got defensive. 
Which oddly enough, makes me super-proud and emotional about the protective sisterly bond my girls share. 

I clearly remember the pregnancy test I took confirming her arrival.  
Mike was busy painting the trim on Maisie's closet when I told him.  
Holy Crap...3!?
And I wonder what life would be like if we didn't have our unexpected 3rd. 

Someone, somewhere, knew EXACTLY what HE was doing when He created our Moo.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Stinky Houses

Molly's friend told her our house stinks.  She also said our towels smell gross and our forks have spots on them.  

This friend has actually barfed all but a couple times she has stayed overnight. 

She's coming to Molly's 'camp-out birthday party' this weekend, and Molly suggested we Deep Clean the house on Friday.  We also stocked up on 1000 Dreams scented Bath & Body Works Wall Flowers over the weekend.

On Sunday our buck, Leo was a handful.  And stinkier than stinky.  

We're almost to breeding season and the pheromones are rich and thick.  

I actually gagged and was forced to surrendered to the smelly house.  Sunday night Mike mentioned his the disgust left on his body and how Molly's friend should literally smell the inside of his left wrist, THEN how grossed out she feels. 

Maisie was kind to remind us all of HER friends think our house smells like corndogs and ketchup.  

                                                                            I don't know guys. 

                                                                        Maybe it's my yeast starter. 

                                                                       It doesn't seem to be working.