Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Stinky Houses

Molly's friend told her our house stinks.  She also said our towels smell gross and our forks have spots on them.  

This friend has actually barfed all but a couple times she has stayed overnight. 

She's coming to Molly's 'camp-out birthday party' this weekend, and Molly suggested we Deep Clean the house on Friday.  We also stocked up on 1000 Dreams scented Bath & Body Works Wall Flowers over the weekend.

On Sunday our buck, Leo was a handful.  And stinkier than stinky.  

We're almost to breeding season and the pheromones are rich and thick.  

I actually gagged and was forced to surrendered to the smelly house.  Sunday night Mike mentioned his the disgust left on his body and how Molly's friend should literally smell the inside of his left wrist, THEN how grossed out she feels. 

Maisie was kind to remind us all of HER friends think our house smells like corndogs and ketchup.  

                                                                            I don't know guys. 

                                                                        Maybe it's my yeast starter. 

                                                                       It doesn't seem to be working.

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