Thursday, August 26, 2021

End of Summer Dump

End of summer photo dump of all the things that make being a mom of 5 very different kids interesting.  For starters, there was this purchase.  Many would assume it was some sort of mid-life crisis purchase for Mike or I, but nope.  

It's Ross' dream car.  Only cause it's a stick shift and the headlights pop up when you turn them on.  

Kind of how I'm feeling about it. 

I don't know.

Back to school we went on August 23. 
It was hotter than a rats ass and working in a non-air conditioned school was challenging.  
Super pumped to get out early every day due to heat, but kind of embarrassing when the opposing high school volleyball team had girls being hauled off the court on stretchers due to heat exhaustion during games.  
Guess our girls had the advantage of being acclimated to the climate.

But before that happened, the dogs neutering stitches came apart while Mike and I were in Colorado?  Sounds like he'll be fine, but will be left with 'lips'

And I can't figure out why the dog will carry the goat buckets back to the house for Molly, but not me.

I did NOT get my nose pierced.  
Maisie wanted a fake nose ring and Claire's was doing the "Buy 3, Get 3" so I caved and let her pick one out.  
While shopping in TJ Maxx she got weird about wearing it and didn't want to carry it around or wear it.  Guess who got stuck with the stupid nose ring for safe keeping.

Molly got a bow and arrow for her birthday.
She already has quite the fan club.

These car photos just keep popping up, don't they.

I think we're officially ready for fall.

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