Sunday, October 24, 2021

Fall 2021 is Happening NOW

I feel like life keeps going faster and faster.  The whole saying, 'The days are long but the years are short' couldn't feel more true.  We didn't get to camp as much as we hoped over the summer, but snuck in 2 camping weekends this fall.  We decided we prefer Fall camping over Summer camping any day!  We love the crispness of the air, the crowning around the fire, sweatshirts and no need to bring ice!

However, fall does bring the mice. We've never had an issue with mice in the camper until our last trip.  
I noticed the turds earlier in the day, but hoped the mice had left since they had already eaten all the ketchup packets, coffee pods, and were resorting to the dish towels and carpet. 

However, arriving at our campsite, we discovered more evidence of mice pooping in the camper pantry.  We ended up at Bomgars for actual snap traps.  I'm beyond sick of the stupid sticky traps and poison bait.  We set a trap in the pantry and sat around the fire before bed.  
Sure enough when we walked into the camper, we had a dead mouse!  
Cheers, jumping and praises of hallelujah could be heard echoing from our camper walls.  Molly said it best, "no-one wanted to sleep in the camper with a rat!"

Poor Jay sleeps on the dinette with his pillow toward the pantry. He said it didn't bother him though.

But it didn't stop there.  We RESET the trap.  Once the camper was quiet and everyone was tucked in, we heard another snap.  
Mouse #2.

The trap was again, RESET.

I was just drifting off to sleep when I heard Mike say, "I knew it!"  

Sure enough, we caught 3 mice in the camper that night.  
He threw the first one in the fire- instant cremation. 
The second two he just tossed out the camper door.  This made for an interesting site as we woke and walked out of the camper in the morning.

It was chilly in the mornings and evenings which we loved.  We also noticed an "orb" seemed to be visiting us over the weekend?

The first night was just the 3 littles as Ross had to work and Mack wanted to go to the home football game.  The second brought the big boys, plus a friend.  This means we always reserve a tent spot, as well as an electric site.  Big family planning. 

Homework is in full swing and we are all in desperate need of some sort of fall break.  I wish we did trimesters, or 8 block, or just something less exhausting than what we do.  
But, nobody asks me.

Our 3rd round of the Great Plains Indians Biome in a shoebox happened this weekend.

She collected the grasses and leaves in her crocs.  

She's a little concerned the guy on the horse looks like he's shooting at the canoe- but I've assured her the trajectory is off and he is definitely going for the buffalo. 

Pumpkin carving happened before Jasper ate the pumpkins.  His nibble spots made the most perfect Jack-O-Lantern mouths ;)

Fall, I have a feeling you will be gone before we know it.  
It's been good.  
You are my favorite and I'll miss you.

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